Bearded Lady Meets Ring Master

Just when I thought that I ran out of things to blog about (a slow week in the classroom...low attendance due to illness, pro-d Day...etc), Erik and I are in the middle of what is for us, a significant 'misunderstanding.'
As per usual (and anyone who has ever lived with me for an extended length of time will know this)... when left to my own devices, my bedroom looks like a shit storm blew through (pardon the expletive, but it needed saying).
So, the normally tidy and compartmentalized Erik, was kindly explaining to me the stress that my errant ways has upon his inner chi. I internalize the sentiments, and counter with a series of damning accusations regarding his kitchen shit storms (and for everyone's sake, let's not even get to the bathroom). Naturally, a volley of civilized tit for tat 'dialogue' is passed back and forth until my darling Erik begins demonstratively prancing about the room, pointing out the various objects in question that I have failed to put away properly throughout the week. Finally, he reaches the carton of Mr. Sketch Smelly Felts that are lying in his most loathed location (behind his rolly desk chair...yes, I admit, they must be quite a drag to roll over). Presenting them to me, he opens the box, gazes inquisitively at the contents, asks how long it took to me to arrange the offending markers in such an order, then procedes to ask "is this one black licorice?"
"Why, yes it is," I reply reticently. "Black licorice is divine, let me smell it," I insolently demand.
Before I know it, I am sporting a 'stash that would make Herr Hitler weak at the knees. I cannot help but laugh.
I demand mutton chops.
Darling Erik eagerly complies.
Soon, we have forgotten all about who wiped the stove last and who left the smelly felts where. Erik becomes the most handsome, gender confused, circus ring leader I have ever met, and I become his sinister side show bearded lady, with whom he has a sordid, secret, but passionate affair behind the Rhino cage.
A handsome, tragic couple, indeed.
You are so entertaining my dear! That photo made me laugh out loud. Totally hawt.
So I left you a message today that Ellen and the kids are swinging by tomorrow and we are going for lunch. Don't know if you are free but you should come if you are.
Keep blogging, love ya!
Great post ness! Love the photo... you two look smashing! I'm currently working at clearing my own shit storm which is the guest room. I've found bills from months ago... oops.
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